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    Here you will find some of the most awesome classic rock videos. Each thread will contain the original version of the song along with other live performance videos, covers by other artists, how to play video, chord with lyrics and other interesting information about the song.

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Clan of Xymox: Louise



Awesome Dutch band from the '80's, they basically invented "gothic".

Love Xymox, but c'mon man - go back to the 70's and Siouxsie, Bauhaus or the Cure, or Kraftwerk if you want to see the roots of gothic culture and industrial music. :thumbup
Sure, everything builds on everything else, you could trace it all back to Elvis if you wanted to - but look at the bass and keyboard players and find anyone else dressed like that before '85 or so. :rad These guys had a huge impact on later bands, even though they were never that popular themselves.
Bud if you can link industrial / gothic to Elvis then you're FAR more a musichead than I'll ever be! :laughing

Ah, it all stems from the fountainhead, Elvis P., though the path can get complicated :smilewink But no matter how it happened, I'm thinking this is one of the coolest music videos I've come across on youtube. :thumbup
Ah, it all stems from the fountainhead, Elvis P., though the path can get complicated :smilewink But no matter how it happened, I'm thinking this is one of the coolest music videos I've come across on youtube. :thumbup

As Public Enemy put it:
"Elvis was a hero to most
But he never meant sh*t to me you see
Straight up racist that sucker was
Simple and plain
Motherfsck him and John Wayne"

He was a wierd dude, but he was the first white guy who made a lasting impression on white fans by playing music derived from black culture. He wasn't the only, nor even the very first, but he's the guy we remember as the father of "rock and roll". I actually saw him in 1974, during his scarf-throwing fat-Elvis stage - cool show, even though he was waaaay past his prime and only a few years away from drugging himself to death. :rad
He was a wierd dude, but he was the first white guy who made a lasting impression on white fans by playing music derived from black culture. He wasn't the only, nor even the very first, but he's the guy we remember as the father of "rock and roll". I actually saw him in 1974, during his scarf-throwing fat-Elvis stage - cool show, even though he was waaaay past his prime and only a few years away from drugging himself to death. :rad

Wow...I've missed some shows that still make me wince (notably...Pearl Jam in '92, and the Police in the late 80's) but seeing Elvis, that would have been something. Of course I was in preschool in '74 so I'd likely not have enjoyed it much. :smilewink
:laughing This is still incredible nearly a year after I found it on YouTube. :rad