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Crossroads (1986 film)


New member
I stumbled across it again (after many years) in netflix instant section, no academy award winner but truly enjoyable...basically a young pup convinces a blues master to go back to the crossroads and try to get his soul back (which he had traded in his youth to the Devil for his blues skills) the guitar work touches classic, blues, and rock, here's a description:


If you haven't seen it kick back with some popcorn and enjoy this overlooked little flick

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Wasn't it Steve Vai and SRV? Saw part of this on TV a while back. Pretty goofy, like Karate Kid with an axe.

Found a clip.

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fyi, twas steve vai and ry cooder doing the dual scene.
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Ry cooder did most of ralph machio's stuff until the very end when ralph pulls out the paganini... that part was done by steve vai.
That's funny; a friend from High School wrote that script! It was the only thing he ever did....

We used to hang out and listen to records a lot...and he was really into old blues stuff. He used to say, "One day, I'm gonna write a screenplay about these old blues guys and modernize it." And he did!

It was one of those magical deals where he wrote a "treatment," and the studios bought it. So he holed up in his apt for three weeks and wrote the whole screenplay. Got $250k for it as I recall.