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    Here you will find some of the most awesome classic rock videos. Each thread will contain the original version of the song along with other live performance videos, covers by other artists, how to play video, chord with lyrics and other interesting information about the song.

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Jalghan ay calgan ay yalghan ay yalan ay

Thanks for posting. I love that part of the world: high snow-capped mountains and grasslands where East truly does meet West. It is one of the few wild, natural forested areas left in the former USSR and the current PRC.

The video reminds me of the times I have meet Chinese people who are truly baffled as to how a white guy like me can speak fairly fluent Mandarin. Sometimes I tell them I am Chinese: my father was a white Russian from Harbin and my mother was a Uighur or Kazakh from Urumuchi.

I once pulled that line on the owner of a Chinese restaurant who actually believed me. During one of my regular visits to his restaurant with my family, a friendly waiter with whom I had conversed in Mandarin offered me a special item to try. The owner emphatically shouted at me from across the restaurant not to eat it, as it was pork. :eek:

Uighurs and Kazakhs are Turkic people who are Muslims and therefore forbidden from eating pork by the tenets of their religion. I assured the owner (laoban in Mandarin) that it was OK, I could eat pork. It enhanced my cover that everyone else in my immediate family was Asian: sansei wife + two adopted Korean children. :laughing