Guy sounds like Rush Limbaugh.

Anyways the Detroit gig was his third gig on that tour, he would last another four gigs before finally walking off stage in New York.
Simply put the Monkee's loved the guy, thought he was the best player they had seen and signed him to the gig just to watch him play. Jimi on the other had hated the stuff the Monkee's did, thought it was crap and was very vocal about it. But this was a national tour put on by promoter Dick Clark and the thought that this tour could put Jimi in front of large crowds of teenage girls proved too irresistible to refuse.
This tour was after his guitar torching theatrics in Monterey and after his UK release of Hey Joe and Purple Haze, in fact it was John Lennon who finally talked Jimi into taking the US tour because John obviously knew the earning capitol of teenage fans in America.
But it all came to an end in New York when Jimi got so pissed listening to the boo's and "we want the Monkee's" chants that he finally threw down his guitar, flipped off the crowd and walked off stage during the solo of Purple haze. The next day he asked to be let out of his contract.
The funny thing is even though that tour of seven gigs went very badly for him it was probably the best thing that could have happened to him. A reporter who was traveling with the tour made up a story about how a group of right-wing protesters got him kicked off the tour because of his sexually charged antics, that story made it to the national news and Jimi became the discarded outlaw that the kids of that day were looking for... they flocked to him and his music and for the next three years until his death he became a legend and possibly a spokesman for a generation.
Amazing story... almost to good to be true. When he died it seemed as though he became even more famous... being a damn good guitar player didn't hurt him either... still considered by many to be the best that ever was. I personally don't think so but I think he is definitely in the top five.
Hell if you think this concert was a pairing nightmare.... consider this... his previous tour in the UK had him opening for Engelbert Humperdinck!

I would have loved to see the crowds faces at that gig!